Debra Rucker Coleman, Architect
The Adapt-A-SunPlan process is completely different from the Create-A-SunPlan process. Adapting a plan involves accepting the primary features and spaces in the existing design.
Having the Sun Plans architect make changes to a sun-inspired design can be efficient although often the changes can also be made by a local design professional, architect, builder, or engineer. The Sun Plans architect knows the reasons behind the sun-inspired designs intimately. For those who prefer to work with a local architect or design professional, CAD Files can then be ordered. Sun Plans can still provide the Consulting and Review Service then the advice can be passed on to the local design professional, and provide the Custom Energy Specs as part of the CAD file purchase.
Adapt-A-SunPlan Customers
Adapting a home design with Sun Plans is for homeowners who are organized and have good communication skills. Typically, they...
  • Have narrowed down the house plan to one (or two very similar) designs.
  • Have at least 12 weeks prior to starting construction
  • Prefer to react to designs that have already been created
  • Have studied in detail the design they wish to change
  • Communicate confidently their likes and dislikes in the existing house plan
  • Speak openly with their spouses, partners, and other family members regarding priorities
  • Remain flexible and open-minded with options presented
  • Rise to the challenge of assisting with research and homework tasks
  • Trust professionals to assist them in many aspects of their life
Adapt-A-SunPlan Process
There is no charge for the Adapt-A-SunPlan Planning Package to help gather ideas for changes.
It is encouraged to have first ordered the Study Plan to explore the design of the home or the Review Set to also study construction details. Review Sets can be especially helpful if there is a builder already involved who can provide a preliminary construction cost estimate. Otherwise, Sun Plans can do this as part of the review.
After the information and Consulting and Review fee is paid (see home page of Services) and the Adapt-A-Sunplans Questionnaire and any supplemental information (especially site information) is submitted electronically, the Sun Plans architect spends four hours reviewing and consulting on the information in the categories listed on the main Review and Consulting Services page.
After the review and consulting is completed, there is an option to either request an estimate for Sun Plans to make the changes or purchase the CAD Files to have the changes made by a local architect or design professional. A copyright is provided with CAD File orders. If Sun Plans will be making the changes, the customer purchases the Construction Prints or CAD Files and then pays for the changes as well. The fees vary widely based on the type of changes. Sun Plans can provide an estimate for the changes after the Consulting and Review Service is completed.
Sometimes after the consulting, the customer changes to another more affordable house design as recommended by Sun Plans.
Extensive changes are discouraged since it would then be more economical to create a new design.
Adapt-A-SunPlan fees are only a fraction of a realtor's fee. A planning budget of about approximately 0.5-2% of construction costs is recommended.
Ready to get started?  Contact Us to request the Adapt-A-SunPlan Planning Package.
Quick Quote (as scheduling allows)
Need the plans quickly, have just a few straightforward changes, and do not have questions about your changes? Send a SHORT LIST of changes for a Quick Quote if the Review Set has been ordered and if you are prepared to start the changes within 3 weeks. (Check with Sun Plans on the schedule via email or Contact Us prior to sending a list of changes as often the schedule does not allow for the changes to be started in three weeks. In that case, then may be better to review the changes with a local design professional who would then make the changes with the CAD files.)
This Quick Quote service is for those do not have questions and do not require the lengthier, more involved process of consulting about energy, design, and structural implications with the architect. Ordering the Review Set allows for studying the construction details of the home to have a more thorough understanding of the implications of the changes that they are requesting.
Perhaps only the exterior needs to be changed, a basement added or the garage removed. Maybe thicker exterior walls are desired. The price for the changes is typically good for one week as the Quick Quote is designed for those who are ready for the changes to be made right away.
If Sun Plans after looking at the list of changes that detailed interaction is required to discuss energy implications, etc., then the more involved Adapt-A-SunPlans service will be recommended.
After the Quick Quote changes are made and the customer reviews the adapted design, there will still be an opportunity to ask questions and request additional changes for an additional fee.
Occasionally the Sun Plans schedule is so full that the changes cannot be completed quickly and there may be a wait time before even simple changes can be made to plans. If in doubt, Contact Us
For all Consulting Services, please do not send detailed lists or drawings except through the more detailed Consulting and Review Services, or unless you have first discussed the sending of drawings with Sun Plans.