Sun-Inspired Design Elements
In each sun-inspired, passive solar home design, the following elements were considered while creating the house plan with the original home owner who commissioned and trusted Sun Plans.

Identify the desired characteristics and spaces that make a house a home for that family
Land, Site Planning, and Climate
Choose a site with winter sun exposure and analyze the local climate
Orientation and Building Form
Orient the longest walls of the house to face north and south
South Glass
Integrate many south facing windows and glass doors
Windows & Day Lighting
Add a few north, east and west windows for light, cross breezes and views
Overhangs, Shading & Porches
Shade south windows with overhangs; shade east and west windows with porches and trees
Thermal Mass
Incorporate brick, concrete, tile, stone, etc. to absorb and release heat and therefore stabilize interior temperatures
Sun Rooms (if desired)
Include one for living space and not just for solar gain
Natural Cooling
Locate windows high and low in buildings to capitalize on the natural patterns of air movement.

(See Chapter 3 of The Sun-Inspired House for elaboration on these design elements for a passive solar home.)