Simple Facts About Sun-Inspired Design
The seasonal movement of the sun inspires the low-energy homes of Sun Plans.
- In the northern hemisphere, in winter, the sun rises in the southeast, remains low in the southern sky, and sets in the southwest. Windows on the south side of the home allow the low winter sun to enter and warm the entire house.
- In summer, the sun rises in the
northeast, climbs high in the southern sky, and sets in the northwest.
Overhangs protect south windows from the high summer sun.
- Sun-Inspired homes utilize the fixed components of windows, overhangs, insulation and thermal mass to control the sun's heat and light that enters the house without active measures by people or machines.
- Used together, they create a passive system used for both heating and cooling.
- A passive system takes advantage of naturally occurring energy in its surroundings to serve a purpose without the aid of auxiliary mechanical equipment.
- These systems consume no threatened resources and produce no waste.
- The ample energy of the sun can be easily manipulated by passive systems to make homes more comfortable and energy efficient.